Do I need a parenting plan in my divorce?

If you’re facing a family law situation like separation, divorce, or child custody, your team of Melbourne FL attorneys at Morgan & Barbary can help. What was once known as a custody agreement is now called a “parenting plan,” and Florida courts require the adoption of a Parenting Plan for all divorce and paternity cases involving children.

A Parenting Plan governs the relationship between all parties relating to decisions that must be made regarding children’s issues, including time-sharing schedules for parents; child support; cost sharing of items such as insurance, child care, and extracurricular activities; religious decisions; and all the other issues that parents must deal with when raising a child. The plan is designed to give the separating parents a blueprint of how they will interact with their child, and define who is responsible for what, and when.

At M&B Law Family & Mediation Services, we advocate for you to resolve all issues in the Parenting Plan in your favor. We work amenably when possible and also litigate when necessary. If you’re facing the task of preparing a Parenting Plan, contact us today for your free consultation.

M&B Family Law & Mediation Services,
Divorce and Family Law Attorneys